Far Cry 5 Prevent. Joseph invites to visit

In February, they knocked on us Ubisoft And they called to Paris, look at Far Cry 5. At first, this did not cause us enthusiasm – after all, for six months at various conferences we were shown the same demo, and everything that could be known about it was already known about it. We saw her on E3, then we played it on Gamescom, then recorded a gameplay on Gamera … In general, it seemed meaningless to go for the sake of the same things.

But Ubisoft objected that this time they would show a completely new and completely open region for research, where it will be approximately … everything. Here we, of course, could not resist. So I was equipped with Paris, look at the almost ready far Cry 5. Before the release, a little less than a month remained at this point.

In the lair of fanatics

The first memorable moment related to the game happened before I entered the building where the demonstration was held. Imagine: you go along a narrow Parisian street, on the right you notice the door with the already familiar symbols of the religious cult of Joseph Sid and his family, the main villains of the fifth part. You turn around and understand that Joseph's shelter is literally ten meters from a huge church and school, which are both named after … St. Joseph. I don’t know if the Ubisoft was deliberately chosen by the place of demonstration, or is it a coincidence.

There were also a lot of surprises outside the shelter door. The entire demonstration platform (and these are several halls) were decorated in the style of “American cultists live here”: the inscriptions in the spirit of “sinner, repent”, “you still say thank you”, “the souls will not save yourself” and so on.

It would be difficult to make a mistake

Plus – a lot of household items, which should be in such a room. Stocks of products (judging by volume, in case of siege, or even the end of the world), fishing tackle, spare parts – all this with the labels that we will meet in the game. Even on napkins, the logo of the fictional district of Hope Montana, where the events of Far Cry 5 occur. And, of course, the journalists were waiting for a room with consoles where the demonstration version of the game was installed.

Change of paradigm

Far Cry 5 attracted me immediately – despite the fact that I cannot call myself a fan of the series. I was primarily interested in setting, for two reasons at once. Firstly, for the first time in the history of Far Cry, they show us a purely Western environment. The main characters were earlier than the Americans, but the situation, non -game characters and culture were alien to the Western audience – tropical islands, Africa, Nepal and so on. Of course, this is a good opportunity to see the world, but at times you need to return to the comfort zone. This is what happens in the fifth part: we are planted directly in the American state of Montana.

Saved the hostage – slightly increased the level of hatred of the cult to themselves. And at the same time learned about a couple of places where it is worth looking

Secondly, there is such a wonderful creative person-Kevin Smith. Most of the audience, he is probably known as the author of the script and director "Clerkov" , Great "Dogma" and all other films about the adventures of the crazy duet Jay and the silent Bob. He played this Bob himself.

But he wrote and also took off a wonderful farce called "Red state". About the family of religious fanatics, which stocked up with weapons, began to kill those who behave poorly, and entered into an open conflict with the authorities, because the apocalypse is coming … sounds familiar?

That's exactly – this is Far Cry 5, only the scale of the conflict in the game is larger. And since I really liked the film, the project on the same topic has already interested me from the first trailers. So I was happy to go to look at the preliminary version.

“Sin, repent!"

It is these shields that indicate the habitat of wild animals. You will not have to remember them, one glance at the sign is enough for you to have the corresponding label on your map

In total, I got into three gameplay sessions. The first was purely plot – we were shown the first hour of the game. Of course, there will be no details about him. I will only say that in the fifth part there was a place for the traditional chips of the series and a few unexpected and pleasant changes.

In addition, they also showed that we are waiting in this world from the point of view of new gameplay mechanics. For example, as it was already known, Far Cry no more towers. Interesting places must be opened independently, traveling, talking with passers -by and saved hostages, reading notes and considering road signs. It is according to these sources that our card will add new areas and tags.

Also, we were again reminded that for the first time in the history of the series, at the disposal of the player a full -fledged customization of the character parameters, from gender and skin color to bandana and glasses. This was done because again for the first time in the series, the whole game can be held in a cooperative. And how your partner will perceive you already depends on you.

Manual wolves of the cult, they are "judges". They are trained in this region. Needless to say, this meeting ended not very good for me?

By the way, the cooperative passage of the FC5 is a great opportunity not only to meditate, but also to save time. The fact is that from now on important information must be pulled out of conversations-there is no more towers! And the characters, like living people, do not burn with the desire to communicate if you suddenly turn away from them and begin to search the boxes. So you just spend a lot of time … listening to what they want to tell you. But there is no such inconvenience in a joint passage: while one adventurer is listening to important information, the second will just have time to check all the back streets in search of something useful.

Another new feature – Resistance Meter, indicator of the level of hatred of sectarians to your person. It grows with each of your action aimed at the deterioration of their life, and in each of the three key regions it is separate. In fact, everything that we did in the same Far Cry 4 (salvation of hostages, the liberation of outposts, assistance to local and t.D.), adds glasses to this strip. Something like karma from the fourth part, only the binding does not go to discounts in the store, but still to the plot, which is much more logical.

In addition, we were pleased before, at the most, script monologues of the main villain on the radio and rare attacks of special forces, and here we clearly see how each of our action brings the nervous breakdown of the next boss of the cult. And suddenly all these side tasks, on which you used to wave your hand, become … important! After all, it is the promotion on the hatred scale that will provide us with several exciting plot missions and potentially allow us to personally give out the main instigators of a religious riot in the susals.

Meet, Ched. The cook from him is so -so, but in the chop, this guy knows a lot about

At the same first session, I noted that the graphics were noticeably prettier in comparison with the demo, which was brought to Igomir-2017. FC5 looks very good, ranging from the landscapes of the forest region to the quite realistic spread of fire over flammable surfaces.

Management also pulled up. The game was demonstrated on PS4, and I, the adherent of the PC Gaming, preparing for this trip, took place on the gamepad a fourth part of the franchise. So, according to my sensations, FC5 gives a much greater sense of control and convenience than FC4. At least, no negative emotions and the usual “but how can you even play shooters from the gamepad, let it have a car limit and so on!»I did not feel that it was already nice in itself.

Free swimming

After the introductory session, we, as promised, were released into a completely new region, where we examined the area first in solo passage, and then in the cooperative.

First, a little about the card device. It is divided into three large regions, each of which is in charge of the protege (and relative) Joseph Sid. I investigated the Northern Region, where Jacob SID rules, the older brother of the Prophet, responsible for training soldiers. It is known that the other two are guided by the brother and sister of Joseph, John and Vera Sida. The first is responsible for supplying the cult, and the second – for flushing the brain to future followers. All three, as usual, bastards, psychopaths, sadists and sweetest people, information about them comes across in the game here and there.

My partner in the cooperative game decided not to fool himself his head with questions of the characterization of the character

On the map, of course, full of activity. Some are initially open – for example, allies in this region. They themselves broadcast their location onto the radio, inviting us to fulfill their personal quest, after which they will agree to help us in adventures.

But it would be hidden part of the tasks and locations, and you can find them only by exploring hints and talking with other characters. Among such classes and points there are familiar – races, outposts of the enemy, hunting, hostages – and new ones: for example, high -speed flights on Wingsyut, fishing, craft or helicopter platform where you can buy and pump your own “air wolf”.

And of course, even in deaf often there is some crazy Rednek who will send us to crazy hunting, killing the game not from a gun, but with a bumper-after all the beaten meat is more tender!

In fact, the fifth is Far Cry 4 Sons of my mother's girlfriend. Here, they finally removed many boring elements, carried out work on mistakes, added a ton of new content and tried not to break everything that players liked in previous games of the series. And most importantly – at least a little, but changed the concept, which did not happen when the third part to the third part of the franchise.


Jess Black, one of the associates in this region. Say that life has patted her, will be a great understanding

If you have few plot allies, you can diversify the detachment with slightly more silent companions. Almost any supporter of the resistance is ready to help you in battle, from liberated hostages to warriors, which is occupied by the broken outposts. This guy, for example, is good in hand -to -hand, and ten meters from him you can find a good sniper

In each region we will be offered to choose different allies, the so -called Guns for Hire. At previous demonstrations, when we were in the Fall’s End region, we had the choice of a dog reconnaissance boomer, the aircraft pilot Nick Paradise and the girl-siprier Grace Armstrong.

In the new region, the composition of satellites is changing. Firstly, we will help us with the gloomy hunter Jess Black, who does not part with onions. She is obsessed with a thirst for revenge to one of the henchmen of Jacob, whose favorite weapon is a powerful flamethrower. As you know, after reprisals against it, this toy can be taken and manic to set fire to all the surrounding forests. But be careful – the fire in the game is not only realistic beautiful, but also realistic unpredictable. It is very easy to run into the consequences of your own pyromania.

Secondly, it is in the north that our old acquaintance Hurk Drabman Jr. lives with whom we met in Far Cry 3 and who was taken on cooperative tasks in the fourth part. He finally returned home after exotic trips and found that crazy fanatics captured his native area. He can be found in the forest wilderness, where he lives with his father-politician, beats the bucks, prays strange gods and loses his father's things, including his beloved propaganda jeep. In general, Hurk never gained mind abroad. The passage with him will be noisy – if Jess prefers the bow, then Hurk does not part with his favorite grenade launcher.

Hurk seems to have become a mask of the Far Cry series. He appears already in the third license game of the franchise, and his ancestor appeared in Far Cry Primal

Finally, the third companion, as in Fall’s End, is the beast. But if earlier it was a dog boomer, then in the north they can become a universal favorite, handsome and Milyaga – a bear nicknamed Chisburger. The owners let him free when he came from the worship. Since then, Chizburger has been satisfied with real blood pressure to everyone who he does not like, and is looking for a good person (for example, a player) who will feed him delicious freshly salmon from the nearest river.

Of course, he will be indispensable in battle (he will pull most of the enemies), and in dialogues with the characters – all the members of the resistance admire the chisburger and rejoice at its presence. No, seriously, he really is a local celebrity.

It is logical that, depending on the specialization of your satellite, you can choose different ways of passing the game: stealth, a balanced tactical approach or a crazy massacre with explosions and frantic cries into a microphone after each outbreak.


In Arkad, you are waiting for a lot of strange ..

… or just not obvious. Let's say you can not notice the cable leading to the only point of entering the entrance to the shelter for a long time

The third gameplay session concerned the Arcade – a separate section of the game, which opens the scope for user creativity almost for the first time from the second part of the series.

At the demonstration we were shown three modes. First, "Journey" is a maze. The player is on a user map inside a huge building and is looking for a way out, for a while. With each new door, the atmosphere from the usual Far Cry setting becomes more like some Resident Evil. Add a change in orientation in space, objects floating in the air, people (dead) and goats (living) in completely unnatural poses and places … In general, I really wanted to find a way out.

Fortunately, this level was linear and clearly simply demonstrated the possibilities of the editor. But I am sure that the game community will very quickly delight us with labyrinths with false corridors, traps, scramers and other charms of such puzzles.

The second regime is called "Hunting for the head". You need to penetrate a well -protected goal, kill it and leave the card. Here, too, there was a place for a small labyrinth, but still would be completely open. True, this did not mean that it became easier to get to the goal – it was still necessary to figure out how to climb onto the second floor of the building without doors, break through a bunch of guards, and then find the output point.

Another outpost of the enemy. How many we have already cleaned them for all games of the series?

This regime may make excellent trials that use all your tactical and shooting skills. Moreover, here it was possible to choose with which weapon to go: with full load (machine, pistol, Molotov cocktail) or in a complicated format, with only one throwing knife.

The third mode is PVP Arena: two players halls, walls on the wall, in general-classic. This mode will still be finalized, but now it looks quite promising. But here (of course) the car driver will not work at the gamepad, and on the console the https://sister-site.org/amazon-slots/ PVP-player without a car spacing and the plot with an auto prime is “two big differences”, and here I remembered all my claims to the combination of “gamepad + shooting”. But this is, of course, my personal problem.

On a snack

"At the end you will thank us". How they looked into the water!

Far Cry 5 came out a very family game. Not only do we have a whole clan of fanatics, but the characters on your side are also often connected by kinship. Hurke lives with his father, but his mother will also meet. Moreover, she will be able to become our companion, albeit in another region, she is a pilot, like Nick from Fall’s End. Jess is a niece of another plot of an important character. Chizburger – Favorite home bear of the whole district. Nick works in a family company … In short, the theme of the family and relationships here will clearly rise repeatedly.

Against the backdrop of this approach to history, the fatherly care of developers about users pleases. I will give one example. We played the English version, and I did not include subtitles – simply because I calmly perceive English texts without them. Nevertheless, I met a character who spoke with such a disgusting accent that it was impossible to make out a word. And at that moment … The game was forcibly absorbed by his speech. It remained only to say “thank you” – but the inscriptions still warned at the entrance to the demosone that I would say!

It was as if Delorean drove. I have already said that the flamethrower is a very dangerous toy?

Even more screenshots from Far Cry 5

Even more video and trailers on Far Cry 5

Far Cry 5 less than a month before the release leaves a sea of ​​positive impressions. She looks great, does not hold the player in shackles of old mechanic such as stinging towers and offers many entertainments and changes. But at the same time, this is still the very far Cry to which we are used to and which we are waiting. At first glance – a very successful step in the evolution of the series and one of the most anticipated games at least the beginning of 2018.

“Conductive to your loss”: Can you find the right words

The death of a loved one is not just a loss. The world collapses, you have to collect yourself again. Psychologist Jamie Kennon believes that every grief is in some way – in common, and discusses whether it is possible to find the right words to sympathize and support.

The death of a loved one irrevocably changes the world of the one who is experiencing loss. This emptiness cannot be filled, and, contrary to the common expression, time does not heal.

“When someone is dying, we are not just losing it,” says psychologist such Jamie Knnon. “A huge part of our lives leaves him, and we are faced with emotions that have nowhere to run away.”.

Can in such a situation the phrase “condolences of your loss” to console and support? Hardly. Many studies are devoted to grief. People tried to determine its stages, study the destructive action and find ways to stop this flour. But despite all the efforts of specialists, it is still very difficult to cope with grief. Even if the death of a loved one is inevitable, we cannot prepare ourselves for it.

Loss that cannot be replenished

After the death of the one who is dear to us, life changes. Much has to start from the beginning. Loss deprives us of support, comfort and clarity, leaves vulnerable and devastated. Woe creates a vacuum around us, because it is impossible to explain how we actually suffer.

“Trying to recover from grief, remember – you will not be able to replace the one who is no longer,” writes Kennon. – You can’t just find new hobbies, go on a trip, reunite with old friends and so weaken the pain. “.

If a person has become our part, his place will always belong only to him. Our life is formed by those around us. And if death takes one of them, we will never be the same. Woe changes our reality.

Woe with us forever

It is useless to try to convince the grief that his pain will pass, that it can be defeated. Because grief will remain with us forever. There will be no day when we remembered that we have lost. But the pain that accompanies these memories will gradually dull.

Of course, in the end we will find where to redirect energy. Perhaps the most difficult thing is precisely this is to change the subject of love. After all, it is unbearably difficult to continue to love the one who will never reciprocate.

What time do we live in?

Sometimes it seems that the past is returning. Whether we are doomed to eternal repetition or is it an illusion?

The answer seems obvious only at first glance. Time is not only a date in the calendar. These are fashion, habits, habits and words, prohibitions and permission, “given” and “need to prove” and, by and large, worldview. Times are layered on each other. And the past, which seemed to be gone irrevocably, suddenly looks into the present. As if a guest has a strangled guest, not yet a locked door to the apartment, from which he left five minutes ago, forgetting his hat in the hallway.

Just the other

day, from the Park of Culture, I was heading to the large glass bridge across the Moscow River. Dried a light April rain. Frunzenskaya embankment all of rumor: they build something. Portable metal fences do not hide pieces of red clay turned out. Fencing striped ribbons are stretched between the trees, which suddenly change the intended route. Having made another forced turn, I saw a sculptural group right in front of me: she practically blocked my path, leaving only a narrow path for the passage to the side. The first in my eyes was a woman sitting on a bench dressed in the post-war years: a tablet hat, suit, shoes with a jumper. Behind her back – and behind the back of the bench – there is a middle -aged man: on the tunic on the right is a university rhombus, on the left of the order and star of the hero. And in front of them is a boy with the letters of the IEV in uniform: the Suvorov Military School, I deciphered. In one hand he holds a suitcase, bring the other to his cap, saluting the military, which stands opposite him and seems to me desperately familiar. The “acquaintance” has also a rhombus on his chest and two stars. There is no signature. An unexpected sculpture. I wish to show who! But who will you drag here in such weather … And then I remembered: there is a camera in the mobile! Hooray. I removed the phone from the cover, attached my umbrella on my knees to the woman and began to take pictures of the elder by rank in the calculation later to find out who he looked like. There was not enough cloudy light, the pictures were dark. I came in on one side, then on the other. When, having completed my attempts, I was about to continue my path, a man approached me, too fat from his overalls covering him. On top of everything on it was a reflective vest of dazzling.